LNSM: "You must find the software and deliver it to the Radio House."
BOGO: What do you think it means?
LNSM: I think it means we must
find the software.
BOGO: What software?
LNSM: You don't know.
BOGO: I don't know?
LNSM: No, You don't know.
BOGO: Who?
LNSM: The software, it's called You don't know.
BOGO: What's it
LNSM: I don't know. But we have to find it.
BOGO: Where?
LNSM: Well, I think it's in North Carolina.
BOGO: Why do you
think that?
LNSM: Because Grandpa Shelly booked us two tickets to North
BOGO: Where do we go when we get there?
LNSM: To find
the software and bring it to the Radio House.
BOGO: But where--
LNSM: Enough questions, Bogo, let me think. I have to think.
BOGO: You can do it, Late Night Supermarket Man.
LNSM: That's
Alright, so a lot of other stuff happened to our heroes. But six hours later they got to the North Carolina airport and found a taxi. And After that they arrived at--
BOGO: Super Walmart! Of Course! You're a genius, Late Night Supermarket Man!
LNSM: Thank you. Now what time is it?
BOGO: It's 11:30.
LNSM: Perfect! Let's go. Late Night Supermarket Man to the rescue!
Meanwhile, at the Radio House, JB was on the phone with Grandpa Shelly.
JB: I need that software, Grandpa Shelly.
GS: You asked for my services,
you need to be patient. It's 11:30, this is when they work best.
JB: Who
is this Late Night Supermarket Man anyway?
GS: That's not your concern.
But be patient, you'll have your software. He may be a little strange, but he
hasn't...completely...failed me...um...in a long time.
In case you started to wonder, yes: this is the best we could do for a plot. Meanwhile, back at the Super Walmart, the employees were rearranging shelves and making a lot of noise.
LNSM: How are we supposed to find the software with all this noise?
BOGO: Oooh, two for one on Trivial Pursuit Totally 80s Edition.
LNSM: Why would you need two?
BOGO: Because it's two for one!
LNSM: Alright, put it back. Listen, I don't see the software anywhere. Are
you sure we can't download it?
BOGO: What does the note say?
LNSM: It doesn't.
BOGO: What are we gonna do?
LNSM: Well, we could do what we always do.
Just then, Late Night Supermarket Man realized this is the first mission anyone is hearing about, so nobody knows what they always do.
LNSM: Well, tell them, then. That's not my problem!
What Late Night Supermarket Man always does is purchase a few items from the store to offer as an alternative. It's not a very good strategy but he manages to stumble on the solution later.
LNSM: Hey, nobody asked you to editorialize.
Ahem. Sorry. Go on, get on with it.
LNSM: Bogo, take the Totally 80s.
BOGO: Two?
LNSM: May as well. It is two for one.
As they approached the checkout, our heroes picked up a large plastic ball and a six pack of Sam Adams Light. And then they saw it.
LNSM: A line?
BOGO: And look what she's buying!
LNSM: We'll never make it!
Or Will They???
Find out next time on....
"Carolina in my Mind" OR "Talk about a Trivial Pursuit"
Who's on first?
What else goes on at the radio house?
Stay tuned, maybe they'll venture to the mysterious second floor of the radio house...
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